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Pricing and Funding

All funded hours are subject to a £1 an hour charge, which includes snacks, meals, and a 50% reduction in fees for holidays (booked with at least 8 weeks’ notice). This cost helps us provide the high-quality care and education we strive to deliver. It also helps fund items such as sun cream, snacks, meals, special days, and events. 


All three nurseries are open for 51 weeks of the year closing only for Bank holidays and approximately a week over the Christmas and New Year period.  All children need to attend either a morning or afternoon session. Additional sessions are subject to availability. We maybe able to offer extended hours so please ask.

Meals are not compulsory and parents are more than welcome to provide their own cold packed lunch/tea (with an ice pack).  Sealed baby jars and milk can be heated on the premises.


The breakfast club starts at 7.45 am until the start of school and the after school club starts at 3.30pm until 6pm.  Both clubs are available for children attending reception through to year six.  Breakfast club is £4 per session and after school is £9.00.  Find more information here.

All families with children aged three and four years, and some families with two year old children, are entitled to Government funding to attend early years provision for 570 hours per year, which is 15 hours free chidcare a week during term time or 11 hours fifty one weeks of the year.  Little Orchard Montessori Nurseries offer term time only spaces for two year olds and over three's if required.

Families with two-year-olds who are receiving some forms of support or are working families are eligible for the 570 hours early years funding.  Please visit to confirm eligibility.  Early Years funding for two year olds is available to families at the start of the next term after the child's second birthday.

All three and four year olds are eligible for the Early Years funding and it is made available to families at the start of the next term after the child's third birthday until they start school

Since September 2017 through Extended Entitlement funding, some working parents of 3 and 4 year olds are now entitled to 1140 hours per year which is 30 hours a week during term time or 22 hours fifty one weeks of the year.  Check if you are eligible for Extended Entitlement here.

Download a funding leaflet for parents here

Nursery Funding

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